
Organic Farming

Organic farming is very beneficial for farmers, there is increasing demand for organic products

Organic farming is very beneficial for farmers, there is increasing demand for organic products

Organic farming also helps in fighting cancerous diseases of the heart and brain. Natural vegetables and fruits with exercise bring out the best in your life.

Organic farming is considered the protector of the environment. Since the Corona epidemic, there has been a lot of awareness among the people about health. The intellectual class is giving priority to vegetables grown from organic farming in place of vegetables grown from chemical food.

More than two times the production has been produced in the last 4 years

For the last four years in India, the area of organic farming has increased and more than doubled. The area was 29.41 lakh hectare in 2019-20, it increased to 38.19 lakh hectare in 2020-21 and in last year 2021-22 it was 59.12 lakh hectares.

Very helpful in fighting many serious diseases

Organic farming based on natural pesticides also helps in fighting cancer and dangerous diseases of the heart and brain. Natural vegetables and fruits with exercise can bring out the best in your life.

Also read: Return from chemical to organic farming

India is in the entire global market

India is rapidly focusing on the global market of organic farming. There is so much demand that the supply is not met. There is definitely a lot of potential in the field of organic farming in the coming years. All people are becoming aware of their health.

Start organic farming in this way

In general, people ask questions, how to start organic farming? For organic farming, first you want to do farming. Understand the soil there. Before starting organic farming, farmers start with training, then the challenges can be reduced considerably. The farmer understands the demand of the market and selects the crop, which crop should be grown. For this, farmers must take advice and opinion from experts from their nearest Krishi Vigyan Kendra or Agricultural Universities.

Detailed information on crucial aspects of wheat cultivation.

Detailed information on crucial aspects of wheat cultivation.

Wheat is sown beginning from October. Wheat farming may be profitable if all aspects of the process, from seeding to harvesting, are done correctly.

As we all know, the Kharif season is currently underway. After harvesting this season's crops, farmers will begin seeding Rabi season crops. Wheat is one of the key Rabi crops, therefore farmers may increase productivity by keeping a few things in mind. India has achieved significant progress in wheat production during the previous four decades. Wheat output has climbed from 12.26 million tonnes in 1964-65 to a record high of 107.18 million tonnes in 2019-20. To ensure food and nutritional security for India's population, wheat output and productivity must be increased on a constant basis. India's population is expected to reach 1.4 billion by 2025.The predicted demand for wheat by 2025 is roughly 117 million tonnes. To attain this aim, new technologies will need to be created. Testing novel kinds with high fertility can help attain optimum output capacity.

Major Wheat producing states in India

For your reference, the northern Ganga-Indus plains are India's most fertile and high-producing wheat areas. In reality, the largest wheat-producing states in this region include Delhi, Rajasthan (save for the Kota and Udaipur divisions), Western Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Uttarakhand's Terai region, Jammu and Kathua districts of Jammu and Kashmir, and Una district of Himachal Pradesh. Ponta valley is included. Wheat is grown on over 12.33 million hectares of land in this area. Wheat production amounts to around 57.83 million tonnes.The average wheat production in this area is 44.50 quintals per hectare. At the same time, by implementing the recommended wheat technologies in front-line wheat demonstrations held on farmers' fields, a yield of 51.85 quintal/hectare may be reached. In recent years, superior wheat cultivars HD 3086 and HD 2967 have been seeded extensively in this area. However, to replace these types, high-production and disease-resistant cultivars such as DBW 187, DBW 222, and HD 3226 have been widely promoted.

Also read: How farmers may increase wheat yields by managing the crop properly.

Use these HYV seeds for high yield

The selection of varieties is a crucial choice in wheat agriculture since it determines how much will be produced. New disease-resistant cultivars with great production capacity should constantly be chosen. For irrigated and timely planting, use DBW 303, WH 1270, and PBW 723; for irrigated and late sowing, use DBW 173, DBW 71, PBW 771, WH 1124, DBW 90, and HD 3059. At the same time, the HD 3298 cultivar has been found for seeding across longer distances. The WH 1142 cultivar may be used for restricted irrigation and timely seeding. Sowing timing, seed rate, and the proper amount of fertiliser. Using cow dung manure at the rate of 4-6 tonnes/acre during field preparation 15-20 days before planting wheat enhances the fertiliser power of the soil.

Sowing is done with zero tillage and turbo happy seeder.

In the paddy-wheat cropping system, planting wheat with zero tillage is a practical and useful practice. After paddy harvesting, wheat is seeded without ploughing using a zero till drill machine, taking use of the land's stored moisture. Where paddy is harvested late. This machine is proven to be really useful there. This gadget is quite beneficial even in water-logged locations. This is the most effective and efficient technique of managing paddy crop residues. This type of wheat planting produces an equivalent or greater yield than traditional sowing while also preventing crop fall.By retaining crop leftovers on the surface, moisture is kept in the root zone of the plants for a longer period of time, thus temperature increases have no negative effect on production and weeds are decreased. Irrigation management is crucial in wheat agriculture.

The need for proper irrigation for wheat cultivation.

Let us tell you that a wheat crop takes five to six irrigations to get maximum productivity. Irrigation should be done based on water availability, soil type, and plant demands. The wheat crop's life cycle is divided into three stages: adventitious roots (21 days), initial node formation (65 days), and grain production (85 days), all of which require watering. If there is enough water for irrigation, the first irrigation should be done on the 21st day, followed by five irrigations spaced 20 days apart. New irrigation systems, such as the sprinkler or drip method, are also particularly effective for wheat farming.

They have been used in poorly irrigated locations for quite some time. However, even in water-rich places, water may be saved by using these methods. It is also possible to obtain good productivity. The Central and State governments also offer funds in the form of subsidies for these irrigation systems. Farmer brothers should use these systems to fulfil their national responsibility for irrigation water management.

 PM Modi praised the man who left his job as a software engineer and became a successful farmer.

PM Modi praised the man who left his job as a software engineer and became a successful farmer.

In today's time, the government and farmers themselves are making various efforts to double their income. Due to this, farmers have started adopting new farming techniques along with traditional farming, and as a result, they are earning good profits. A farmer from Karimnagar in Telangana has also almost doubled his income by adopting similar mixed farming. 

Prime Minister Narendra Modi also appreciated the efforts and hard work of the farmers of Karimnagar. Also said that you are also a very strong example of possibilities in farming. Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacted with the beneficiaries of the Vikas Bharat Sankalp Yatra on 18 January 2023 through video conferencing. Thousands of beneficiaries of the Vikas Bharat Sankalp Yatra from across India have participated in this program. Union Ministers, MPs, MLAs, and local-level representatives were also present in this program.

The annual income of graduate farmer M Mallikarjuna Reddy.

While talking to Prime Minister Modi, M Mallikarjuna Reddy, a farmer from Karimnagar, Telangana, said that he is doing animal husbandry and cultivating horticulture crops. Krishak Reddy is a B.Tech graduate and before farming, he worked in a software company. The farmer talked about his journey and said that education has helped him become a better farmer. He is following an integrated method, under which he is doing animal husbandry, horticulture, and natural farming. 

Also read: What is organic farming, benefits of organic farming

Let us tell you that the special advantage of this method is the regular daily income they get. He also does medicinal farming and is earning income from five sources. Earlier, he used to earn Rs 6 lakh every year by traditional monoculture farming. Also, currently, he is earning Rs 12 lakh every year through the integrated method, which is double his previous income.

Farmer Reddy has also been honored by the Vice President.

Kisan Reddy has been honored and rewarded by many institutions including ICAR and former Vice President Shri Venkaiah Naidu. He is also promoting integrated and natural farming a lot. Besides, they are also providing training to farmers in the surrounding areas. They have availed the benefits of a Soil Health Card, Kisan Credit Card, Drip Irrigation Subsidy, and Crop Insurance. The Prime Minister has asked them to check their interest rates on loans taken from KCC. Because the Central Government and State Government provide interest subsidies.

 Complete information about how farmers can earn more through organic farming

Complete information about how farmers can earn more through organic farming

Organic farming has been a tradition in India for a long time. Our scriptures mention Lord Krishna and Balaram, also known as Gopal and Haladhar, who not only practiced agriculture but also engaged in animal husbandry. This approach was beneficial not only for animals but also for the environment. 

The tradition of organic farming continued in India until the time of independence. However, the population explosion later increased the pressure to enhance production, leading the country towards chemical farming. Now, the adverse effects of chemical farming are becoming evident. Let's explore what organic farming is and why farmers should consider it through this article. 

Chemical farming is not only harmful but also expensive, leading to an increase in the cost of crop production. Therefore, the country is now turning towards organic farming because it is sustainable, cost-effective, and self-reliant. Let's understand what organic farming is and why farmers should consider it.   

The Primary Contribution of Earthworms to Soil Health Improvement

We all know that earthworms found in the soil are highly beneficial for humans. Earthworms in the soil convert the residues of plants and organic matter into nutrient-rich humus by consuming them, which serves as natural fertilizer for plants.

Earthworms play a vital role in improving soil health. They transform organic residues into vermicompost, a nutrient-rich fertilizer that enhances soil fertility. Vermicompost can be produced on a large scale in just two months using earthworms. 

The process requires easily available materials such as organic residues, soil, and earthworms. Let's explore how earthworms contribute to making the soil healthy.

Rhizobium also fix atmospheric nitrogen into soil through root nodules   

The incorporation of decomposing plant leftovers into the soil during bio-cultivation improves the soil's capacity to retain moisture and increases crop productivity. Because rhizobium bio-cultivation occurs in the roots of leguminous plants, chemical fertilizers are frequently avoided when growing leguminous crops. 

Commonly found in the root nodules of leguminous plants, rhizobium helps the soil absorb nitrogen from the atmosphere and becomes more nutrient-rich. But the roots of other crops do not contain rhizobium. Using leguminous plant roots in other crops is one way to overcome the nitrogen deficiency in crops. 

This contributes to meeting the nitrogen needs of leguminous crops, which makes bio-cultivation a viable and efficient technique for enhancing soil fertility and raising agricultural yields.   

Organic methods of pests and diseases control

The excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture is leading to increased diseases and costs. Adopting organic farming can reduce costs and mitigate diseases. For this, farmers need to produce homemade organic fertilizers and natural pesticides instead of using chemicals. 

Farmers should be aware of the process of preparing manure and pesticides at home. Therefore, farmers have developed the process of making liquid organic fertilizer from cow dung, jaggery and cow urine, Which is explained in our other article (Methods of preparing organic fertilizers and natural pesticides).

Organic fertilizer are rich in nutrients 

Crop productivity depends on the quantity of nutrients in the soil. When there is a deficiency of nutrients in the soil, it needs to be supplemented from external sources. While these nutrients can be easily obtained in chemical form, the cost of production becomes higher. 

Therefore, it is advisable to use natural manure. Understanding the levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium and other nutrients in organic fertilizers is crucial. That is why farmers have brought information on nutrient content in all manures. 

Organic certification is mandatory For Organic Farming 

Farmers should be registered for organic farming to ensure good prices for crops and fruits. The central government has initiated the certification of organic farming. For this purpose, a government institution has been established in the state. 

Private institutions across the country have also been involved. With regulations, this institution provides organic certification to any farmer

How to Get organic certification

If a farmer practices organic farming or tries to do so, he should get organic certification because not having certification results in lower crop prices for the farmer. Without proper documentation indicating whether the crop is organic or conventional, farmers face challenges in selling their produce at a fair value. Recognizing this issue, the agriculture department has provided complete information about organic certification. Farmers can register one hectare by spending Rs. 1400.  

In conclusion, adopting organic farming methods is critical to the health of the ecosystem and sustainable agriculture. In addition to minimizing the use of artificial chemicals, organic farming preserves biodiversity and improves soil health. Farmers lessen the ecological footprint of agriculture and support healthier ecosystems by using natural and organic inputs. Furthermore, by preventing the residues of dangerous pesticides and artificial fertilizers in produce, organic farming improves food safety. All things considered, the importance of organic farming rests in its all-encompassing strategy, which puts the health of the earth, farmers, and customers first.

Which tractor does the Mahendra Singh Dhoni like the most and what is its specialty?

Which tractor does the Mahendra Singh Dhoni like the most and what is its specialty?

Tractors play an important role among farmers. Nowadays, great cricketer Mahendra Singh Dhoni is seen driving a Swaraj tractor. There are more than 30 models in the Swaraj range. But, do you know which tractor MS Dhoni drives? Let us tell you which tractor is this and what is its main feature.

Which tractor does Mahendra Singh Dhoni like the most?

Swaraj Tractors has become a name that needs no introduction. Coming with new and advanced features, these tractors help in making the work of farmers in the fields easier. There are more than 30 models of Swaraj tractors in the Indian market. But, do you know which of these tractors MS Dhoni drives? For your information, let us tell you that Mahendra Singh Dhoni was seen driving Swaraj's most trusted tractor Swaraj 855 FE Tractor. The most important thing about this tractor is that this tractor comes with a warranty of 6 years. 

This tractor is a combo of contemporary style and advanced features. The power and performance of this tractor are so high that it handles all the farming tasks very well. Some time ago, a video of this tractor was shared on the YouTube channel of Mahindra Group, in which it was mentioned that “Only Swaraj is better than Swaraj”.

What are the features of the Swaraj 855 FE tractor?

Let us tell you that 3 cylinders have been provided in this tractor. Apart from this, this tractor generates power of 41-50 HP at 29.82-37.28 kW. The company has used a powerful 2000-rated engine in this tractor.

Also read: Features, characteristics and price of this great tractor of Swaraj

Keeping the strength in mind, a strong axle is seen in the front of the tractor. LED lights are also available along with powerful fenders for excellent visibility. Up to 62 liters of diesel can be filled in this tractor at one time. Let us tell you that you will get this tractor of Swaraj with a standard warranty of 6 years. Talking about the price, the price of the tractor ranges from Rs 6.9 lakh (ex-showroom) to Rs 9.95 lakh (ex-showroom). Now one thing that is worth noting here is that Swaraj has chosen popular former cricketer Mahendra Singh Dhoni as its brand ambassador.

What to value for organic farming and key ways to improve

What to value for organic farming and key ways to improve

Farmers can earn a lot of good income by adopting organic farming. Today we are going to give information about its many benefits. The success of organic farming depends on the soil, crop type and demand in the Indian market. If crops are produced properly through organic farming, then it gets a very good price in the market. Organic crops are also in high demand abroad. It is necessary to have very good information to do organic farming.


How to make organic farming profitable
Crop production should be done on the basis of market demand

To make farming profitable, it is most important to have an understanding of the market. To meet the demand according to the weather, the farmer should produce his crop accordingly. Apart from this, the different types of research being done by agricultural scientists should also be understood. At the same time, market demand and trends should also be given special importance.

Also read: By doing organic farming, farmers can keep their land healthy and earn more profit at less cost


Value addition in crops is very important

 It is very important to add value to different types of crops produced in agriculture for better value. By contacting India's food industry directly, you can make a better income by giving a better look to your produce. This will also get rid of middlemen selling the crop as well as the profit will also be very good.

Farmers can also sell their crops through online medium

 At present, online facility is easily available for farmers to understand the market and mandis. With the help of this online platform, the farmer will be able to sell his produce at any price in any area of India.

Also read: Crop diversification can lead to different types of farming at a time

Crop diversification is very good for production

Crop diversification leads to better yields. In addition, it also increases the production capacity of the soil significantly. Diversifying crops reduces the risk of their spoilage and also reduces the cost of cultivation significantly.

The Government of India provides grants to the farmers

The Government of India continues to provide subsidy for farming for the benefit of the farmers of the country. In such a situation, farmers must take proper advantage of it. Apart from this, production can also be greatly improved by using the plants used for farming.

Detailed information related to flaxseed cultivation

Detailed information related to flaxseed cultivation

Today we are going to give you detailed information related to linseed crop. It is the sixth largest oilseed crop in the world. Seeing the benefits of flaxseed, the interest of farmers towards its cultivation is continuously increasing. Linseed is an important Rabi oilseed crop in India as well as a major source of oil and fiber. Linseed is cultivated in approximately 2.96 lakh hectares of land in India, which is 15 percent of the total area of ​​the world. In terms of linseed area, India ranks second in the world. At the same time, it ranks third in production and eighth in yield per hectare. For your information, let us tell you that this is the most important industrial oilseed crop of India. Its production also varies depending on different varieties of flaxseed. From this crop, 10 to 15 quintal production can be achieved per hectare of field. Uttar Pradesh, Odisha, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra are the major flax producing states. In India, flaxseed is mainly produced in the states of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh and Bihar. Every part of flaxseed can be used in different forms, directly and indirectly. The oil extracted from flax seeds is not generally used as food. It is used in manufacturing medicines.

Selection of land for linseed cultivation

If you have decided to cultivate linseed, then first of all you will have to select the field i.e. land before sowing linseed. Please note that before sowing flaxseed, get the soil and water of your field tested. Black loamy soil is considered suitable for the cultivation of linseed. This soil is more fertile. Also, while preparing the land, keep in mind that the land has an excellent drainage system. This will also provide great convenience in irrigating the crops. Besides, crop production will also increase significantly.

Suitable climate for flax cultivation

Land with normal pH value is considered suitable for flaxseed. Cultivation of flaxseed requires a cold and dry climate. Linseed is cultivated mostly in the Rabi season in India. During this period the annual rainfall is between 50 to 55 centimeters. There, flaxseed can be cultivated successfully. For better germination of flaxseed, the temperature should be 25 to 30 degree centigrade and during seed formation the temperature should be 15 to 20 degree centigrade. Linseed requires high temperature, low humidity and dry environment at mature stage. Meaning that temperate climate is considered suitable for its cultivation. 

When is linseed sown

Farmers are advised to sow flax seeds in November in irrigated areas and in the first fortnight of October in non-irrigated areas. Apart from this, for Utera cultivation, sowing should be done 7 days before harvesting of paddy. Let us tell you that the Utera method is prevalent in the areas where paddy is grown. Linseed is sown in paddy fields with the aim of making proper use of moisture in paddy cultivation. In Utera method, linseed seeds are scattered in the field 7 days before harvesting the paddy crop. Due to this, flaxseed germinates even before the paddy is harvested. This has the advantage that the linseed crop gets ripe only due to the accumulated moisture. By sowing early, linseed crops can be protected from pod fly and powdery mildew etc.

Also read: All information related to paddy crop

Major improved varieties of linseed

Improved varieties of flaxseed are developed through agricultural research. Linseedi species have been divided into two parts, for non-irrigated areas and for irrigated areas, which are grown for higher production and to suit the climate. For irrigated areas – Suyog, JLS- 23, Pusa- 2, PKDL- 41, T- 397 etc. are the main varieties. These varieties have been developed for irrigated areas. These varieties can be grown in almost both the areas. If we talk about their production, it can be 13 to 15 quintals per hectare. For non-irrigated areas - Sheetal, Rashmi, Bharda, Indira Linseed- 32, JLS- 67, JLS- 66, JLS- 73 etc. are the main varieties. These varieties have been designed for cultivation in non-irrigated areas. The average height of the plants grown in these varieties is up to 2 feet. Also, the yield can be 12 to 15 quintals per hectare. Apart from the above mentioned varieties, there are many other improved varieties of flaxseed. Like - PKDL 42, Jawahar Alsi DR 552, J. l. S. - 27, LG 185, J. l. S. - 67, PKDL 41, Jawahar Alsi - 7, RL - 933, RL 914, Jawahar 23, Pusa 2 etc.

How to do seed treatment?

Linseed is sown in two ways. Seeds can be sown first through the drill method and second through the sprinkling method. For sowing of linseed through the drill method, seeds are required at the rate of 25 to 30 kg per hectare. In this method, the distance between row to row should be 30 cm and the distance from plant to plant should be kept 5 to 7 cm. The seeds should be sown in the ground at a depth of 2 to 3 centimeters. For Utera method, the rate of 40 to 45 kg seeds per hectare is considered good for sowing linseed. Before sowing, seeds should be treated with Carbendazim at the rate of 2.5 to 3 grams per kilogram of seed. Or the seeds should be sown after treating them with 5 grams of Trichoderma viride or 5 grams of Trichoderma harzianum and 2 grams of carboxin.

Also read: linseed cultivation can help financially

Field preparation for flax cultivation

For seed germination and proper crop growth in linseed cultivation, it is necessary that the field be prepared better before sowing. After harvesting, the land should be prepared by sprinkling 8 to 10 tonnes of rotted cow dung manure in the field per hectare and plowing it 2 to 3 times with a local soil turning plow or harrow. After this, the field should be leveled by hoeing, so that the moisture in the soil remains intact.

How to add fertilizer to your field? 

While preparing the land for linseed cultivation, apply cow dung manure at the rate of 8 to 10 tonnes per hectare by mixing it well in the soil during the last plowing. Along with this, for irrigated areas, use nitrogen at the rate of 100 kg, phosphorus at the rate of 75 kg per hectare. To get the best yield for non-irrigated areas, use Nitrogen at 50 kg. Phosphorus 40 kg. And 40 kg. potash. In non-irrigated condition, the entire amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash and in irrigated condition, half the amount of nitrogen and the entire amount of phosphorus is applied 2-3 cm deep through a cloth at the time of sowing. Use below. In irrigated conditions, the remaining half quantity of nitrogen should be applied as top dressing after the first irrigation.

How can farmers protect their linseed crops from diseases and pests?

In the cultivation of linseed, Alternaria blight, rust or ocher, uktha and bukni diseases occur. To prevent these diseases, spray Mancozeb in the crop at the rate of 2.5 kg per hectare 40 to 50 days after sowing. Spraying should be done at an interval of every 15 days, so that the disease does not occur. To prevent rust or ochre, soluble sulfur should be sprayed at the rate of 3 kg per hectare.

Also read: Helpline number for crop disease and pest infections

The linseed crop is infested by various types of insects like pod fly, caterpillar etc. Its adult insects are like small flies of dark orange color. These insects lay their eggs in the petals of flowers, due to which the flowers are unable to produce seeds in the plant. This insect affects production up to 70 percent. To prevent this, Monocrotophos 36 EC, 750 ml or Quinalphos 1.5 liters should be mixed in 900 to 1000 liters of water and sprayed per hectare.

How is linseed oil used in different ways?

Linseed is one of the important industrial oilseed crops of India. In India, linseed crop is produced for commercial purposes. It is cultivated as a fiber crop. The amount of oil in flax seeds is very high. But, its oil is not used for food but for making medicines. Apart from preparing varnishes, lubricants, paints, its oil is also used in preparing inks and ink pads for printing presses. M.P. In the Bundelkhand region of India, its oil is used for cooking, making soap and lighting lamps. Flax seeds are used as a poultice in boils and pimples. High quality fiber is obtained from flax stems. Besides, linen is also manufactured from fiber. Linseed cake is used as animal feed for milk-yielding animals. At the same time, due to the sufficient quantity of various plant nutrients in the cake cake, it is used as fertilizer.

Consuming flaxseed provides relief in many diseases.

Consuming flaxseed is very beneficial for health. Its seeds and its oil are beneficial in the prevention of many diseases. Linseed is the sixth largest oilseed crop in the world. It contains about 33 to 45 percent oil and 24 percent crude protein, making it a miraculous diet. Two essential fatty acids are found in it, alpha-linolenic acid and linolenic acid. If flaxseed is consumed regularly, many types of diseases like cancer, TB, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, constipation, joint pain etc. can be avoided. It increases the amount of good cholesterol in our body and is helpful in reducing the amount of triglyceride cholesterol. It prevents blood clots from forming in the arteries of our heart and also protects us from diseases like heart attack and stroke. It is antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antioxidant and anti-cancer. Flaxseed contains about 28 percent fiber and it proves to be very beneficial for constipation patients.

Things to keep in mind during harvesting

Linseed crop is ready about 100 to 120 days after sowing. It should be harvested only when the linseed crop is completely dry and ripe. Threshing should be done soon after harvesting the crop. This will not cause much harm to its seeds. When linseed crop is cultivated using the above method, the production of different varieties varies. In first seed purpose irrigated condition, 12 to 15 quintals per hectare and in non-irrigated condition, 10 to 12 quintals per hectare and in two-purpose cumulated and non-irrigated condition, 20 to 23 quintals per hectare and 13 to 17 percent oil and 38 to 45 percent fiber. 

 Progressive Farmer Satyavan earned great profits from this type of farming

Progressive Farmer Satyavan earned great profits from this type of farming

For your information, let us tell you that in this series of successful farmers, today we are going to tell you the story of a farmer from Delhi, who earns profit in lakhs through organic and natural farming.

In India, where chemicals are being used extensively in farming, on the other hand even today there are some farmers who are earning huge profits through organic and natural farming. Let us tell you that one of these progressive farmers is Satyavan. Presently Satyavan is earning income worth lakhs of rupees with the help of farming and dairy farming.

Only excellent land can make a farmer rich.

For your information, let us tell you that progressive farmer Satyavan says that he is a native of Dariyapur Kalan Village of Delhi. Also, they are earning income of lakhs through natural farming. Apart from farming, Satyavan also rears indigenous cows. He also grows inter crops, due to which he has become an example for the farmers today. Satyavan says, ‘If the earth is strong then the farmer will be rich’, what he means by this is that due to the use of excessive pesticides our soil has become completely devoid of organic matter. Let us tell you that due to this, diseases have started appearing in the crops. 

Farmer cultivates his 20 acres of land. 

He said that he does only natural farming in 5 acres of land and he has 20 acres of land for total land holding. Satyavan cultivates paddy, wheat, sugarcane and peas along with a variety of other vegetables. Apart from this, he also prepares vegetable nurseries in his farm, which he sells to farmers at good prices.